
App design for hitchhiking enthusiasts
The project was made to promote Slovenian natural beauty and to support hitchhiking community in Slovenia. The goal was to bring hitchhiking over Slovenian mountains closer to people of all ages, knowledge, and abilities (health restricted).

Problem Statement
To introduce hiking paths to people who are not familiar with or are restricted and to take care of safety while hitchhiking. To support the community and make it grow.
Users & Audience
Users are people not familiar with hitchhiking and also professionals who are. The stakeholders are hitchhiking associations. The app is also connected with rescue services to protect the hitchhikers (SOS function).

Roles and Responsibilities
My responsibility was architectural structure, interface design, and preparing low-fidelity prototypes and basic identity. We were three people on the project: Polona Perko and Mojca Kranjc. The project was conducted in person. The project was supported by Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije.
Scope & Constraints
With time the scope changed as we figured out is impossible to implement a software solution for mobile in case the telephone battery is dead, and the user is lost in the mountains. The idea was to replace the safety research devices with implementation through this app.

Authors: Mojca Kranjc, Polona Perko, Tea Zbasnik